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Hi, my name is Tawni Traynor. I moved to Austin, TX this year in January. I came from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I am a community builder around the things I love and Pickleball is one of them! In the Twin Cities, I helped build a strong Pickleball presence through providing a Pickleball Open Play calendar and Pickleball Google Map. I saw that Austin needed these two things, so it was pretty easy for me to set it up. Now, with your help, it just need to be updated once in a while. 

Now that Pickleball has caught on like wildfire and
Pickleball ratings are a real thing(DUPR), the Open Play may not be as useful because of the various skill levels. That is why we started myPBLife in the Twin Cities to help people find their Pickleball Squad (a group of players with similar skills skillset who also live close by) and be able to play rated games. People are loving this new way of playing because you still meet new people and the games are intense, competitive and really fun. We would love to bring myPBLife and PB Squads to Austin, TX! 

If you would like keep informed about myPBLife and PB Squads, please subscribe! If you would like to be involved with myPBLife in Austin, please say so in the comments. 

Tawni Traynor
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