​Q: What is the game format?
There are two formats:
Four-player group: All players take turns playing with different partners, you will have 3 matches; play to 11 and win by 1. We do encourage group to have a warm up match, and submit only the scores on the real matches (you will play 4 matches if you have one warm-up match).
Five-player group: The rotation sequence is shown below . Each player will rotate with four different partners and each player will have four matches; play to 11 and win by 1.
Q. What is the rule on public court use?
All players should follow the open court rule in a public court. Rotate off the court after one game if there are other players waiting.
Q: Do we have access to an indoor court for bad weather day?
We have a special league rate with Champions Hall in Eden Prairie ($18/hr) and Mega Pickle & Pong($20/hr) in Chanhassen. The group will split the cost for time use.
Mega: Call or book your court via Courtreserve. Please let us know ahead of time and we will confirm with the facility for league use in order to apply the special rate.
Champions Hall: Please reach out directly to us. One person from the group will be invoiced for the cost, payable via Venmo or credit card. Champions Hall is a wood gym floor and available only on Friday after 3pm, or all day on weekends.
Q: What is the rule on player substitution?
To be respectful with everyone’s time, please follow this basic rules on player substitution:
Reach out to your assigned group to find a sub as soon as you know you are not able to play your weekly matches.
You will drop only one ladder step if you have a sub to replace you and inform your group of the change.
You will drop two ladder steps if you are absent from your group match. Do inform your group if you can’t make the arranged matches.
You will be dropped from the league if you have two no-call-no-show’s.
Q: I can’t make it to the game at the very last minute due to a family emergency, what should I do?
Communicate with your group immediately, either to reschedule or waive your turn. If your group has five players assigned, the group will proceed with scoring for 4-player round robin. You will not receive a score for the week. If your group has four players assigned, including yourself, please find a sub for your group and/or inform your league coordinator to locate a sub.
Q. I would like to complain about one of the players for harassment, etc.
While we depend on all players to keep their courtside etiquette, we will verify the claim to minimize future recurrence. If the matter is serious and life threatening, please contact your local police department right away. We do not tolerate such behaviors.
Q. I am assigned to a player group that plays way above or below my current level.
Group assignment is based on your estimated rating and prior week’s performance. We welcome your input to make a proper adjustment; however, we can’t guarantee we can accommodate all level-up or level-down requests.
Q. Why am I assigned to the same people?
While we rotate the roster based on everyone’s skill level and performance, you may encounter the same player more than once. It is because they are about the same level as you are. Make friends, and say hi!
Q. I would like to leave the league for whatever reason.
Although we have asked people to put in a 6-week commitment for this league, things happen. Please inform your league coordinators immediately so we can make proper adjustments in the upcoming weeks.
Q. Can I stay to play more games?
It is up to you and your group. Have fun. However, make sure you submit only the scores for the league games.
Q. Who should submit the weekly scores?
We expect Player 1 to submit the scores for his/her group as the group’s captain of the week. The link to the online scorecard is sent with your weekly roster email. If Player 1 is absent, Player 2 will be the group captain for the week.
Q. How should I submit the weekly score?
Submit score only for players who show up. Players who didn’t show up for the game should receive “0” on their score, and “10” if they find a sub.
If you don’t see your question addressed in the FAQ above, please let us know. We will continue to maintain and this list to ensure smooth processes.